Modelling/Optimization Differentially flat based PID controller for Parrot Anafi Drone Implementation of PID controller for Parrot Anafi Drone ,Integrated with ROS, Python Interface for Anafi ,Opti Track Cameras and Sphinx Simulator MPCC-Python Implementation of Model Predictive Contouring Control in Python Path planning for point mass in a constraint Environment using Alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) algorithm This project focused on how to use ADMM method to use path planning within environment having spherical shaped obstacles MODELLING AND SIMULATION OF VTOL AIRCRAFT IN MATLAB This project focused on mathematical modelling of Vertical take-off and landing aircraft in MATLAB LINEAR MODEL PREDICTIVE ALTITUDE CONTROLLER FOR HYBRID Vertical Takeoff and Landing Aircraft This project focused on designing non linear mpc control for altitude control of VTOL aircraft in python Model predictive Path Integral controller for a Autonomous Car in a Carla Simulator Implementation of a Naive MPPI controller ROS Drone Planning in a map-less Environment Integration of Navigation stack in parrot-bebop drone for 2d planning in a Map - less Environment Timed Elastic Band Planner in ROS for turtlebot3 robot Implementation of Timed Elastic Band planner in ROS Noetic for turtlebot3 RRT motion planner for 7 joint robotic arm This project focused on rrt motion planner in ros melodic RL/ML Learning based model predictive Controller (LB MPC) for Altitude Control of VTOL aircraft Proposed a DDPG based LBMPC controller to learn the weights in a mpc cost formulation Model based reinforcement learning on a reacher environment in mujuco Implementation of mbrl paper learning PING-PONG USING DEEP Q NETWORK Implementation of DQN RL algorithm misc PERCEPTION INFORMED BY NAVIGATION FOR SEARCH AND RESCUE A project jointly developed by Indian Institute of Technology and Defence Research and Development Organisation India Wallmart Smart Shopping Cart Aimed at Designing the better substitute for the cash counter that could drastically reduce the time spent at a shopping center by eliminating the need of the billing counters by designing a smart shopping cart , which calculate the total cost whlile you are shopping .