A project jointly developed by Indian Institute of Technology and Defence Research and Development Organisation India
Project developed by Indian Institute of Technology ,Dhnabad India and sponsored by Center for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Lab, A autonoumus lab under Defence Research and Development Organisation India
CAIR_LAB website.
This work presents a time dependent metric for object’s confidence which closely resembles the behavior inherit by human for detecting an object ,and its inclusion in the pre implemented detection and tracking algorithm like SORT[],DEEPSORT[].In contrast to other existed tracking algorithm where temporal information is extracted from sequence of frames to enhance tracking this work uses infromation gathered from tracker and generate the the temporal confidence of an object without affecting the fps of existed tracking algorithms.
Task has been successfully completed by implementing the proposed formula in different situations and getting the desired result.
• software prerequisites
• Python 3 • Open CV For GPU compatibility • CUDA and CUDNN • darknet
My Contribution
Helping in Developent of Algorithm with Dr Mrinal Sen studied Kalman filter, Deep sort based tracking Algorithms and modified them as per our needs Modified the Script to as per the requirements of DRDO and run it on NVIDIA-JETSON-TX2 for further research in real time computation by drones
Project In Charge Professor
Dr Mrinal Sen of IIT-ISM Dhanbad,India